Saturday, August 31, 2019
Room 24 at the Heartland House of Prayer, Council Bluffs, Iowa - June 14 & 15 2019
We traveled to Council Bluffs, Iowa in June to join with Pastor Aman and Amel of the Arabic congregation. Right now they are serving as itinerary pastors and prayer warriors as they settle in again in Council Bluffs, Iowa. They are in contact with American and Sudanese churches. We first met these pastors when they were leading an Arabic church in Tucson. Pastor Aman has made several trips with us on our Room 24 journeys. He asked us to join him in Iowa. We specifically prayed about this at the “Room 24” at our house in March. We received a resounding “yes” from the Lord.
In remembering this weekend the Glory of God in the scenery is most memorable. A group of 7 of us traveled by car from Arizona to Iowa. Another came by plane. The car trip took us through miles of open space and rolling hills of farmland. I believe God healed us in those hours of road time. His gentle Presence in creation was all about us. We drove through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa. It is a border city. We had some tourist time walking the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge that literally straddles the two states. It was very fun to experience this area, new to many of us.
The prayer was held at Heartland House of Prayer in Council Bluffs. We spoke to the couple that hosts this prayer. They have led prayer teams for 20+ years in this area. Their current location is a building, open for worship and prayer 24/7. Throughout the week, different prayer events are held. Pastors Aman and Amel routinely gather with Sudanese intercessors in this location. There ministry also reaches out to other groups in the area.
We enjoyed the time tremendously. It was a time to visit with each other again, but also blessed and anointed by the prayer. We worshiped and prayed together. We believe God’s prayers accomplished here will bear much fruit in the months ahead. We left on a note of joy, expecting that we will return and expand our journey together.
Room 24 at Adina's house May 17 & 18 2019
We had a few scheduled prayer sessions early in 2019. They came up quickly, every couple of weeks. RCM, Cantico Nuevo, our house, Rio de Vida. In May our focus was on the National Day of Prayer but we suddenly missed our family type get togethers. And so, we added a Room 24 session at Adina’s home in May 2019.
It’s funny but our prayer sessions at each location sometimes include people we only see at a particular location. This is true at Adina’s home. It’s like a small congregation we get to visit on a regular basis in prayer. Our team always joins and God always surprises us with new visitors. We had several at this meeting. As I’m writing this I’m so thankful to God for the design of Room 24. It has become a network of congregations and home meetings. We have become like family who see each other on special occasions. There is nothing quite like coming together for the purpose of prayer. It has knit us together in so many ways.
Memorable at this event was something Adina added. She asked that if we came in with any burden on our heart, God wanted to carry it and give us freedom. And so, whatever the burden, we were directed to write it out, put it in a box and we would pray for it later. When we prayed for these requests in those hours before the sun comes up, we read a chapter of proverbs and then pulled out a prayer request. It was startling to receive God’s heart and wisdom on each of these requests. We went a step further and asked God for a specific “action” we could take to get this prayer answered. God just added a new layer to the way we pray.
Our 24 hours included the Tabernacle Prayer of course, but also went in new directions through the day. We closed better than we started in our journey in Kingdom territory.
Thank you Adina for your faithfulness.
Room 24 at the National Day of Prayer, Main Library Downtown, May 2nd, 2019
The tent went up, the chairs arrived, a sound system connected and the location in front of the downtown library approved for us. A whole day to press in to the Lord for our nation. Intercessors and worshipers arrived, ready to go. Let’s bring the Presence of God to the street! Oh Jesus, thank you for these times.
Our schedule was designed to bring us into unity with the prayer focus for the nation. The National Day of Prayer representatives joined us as well as churches in Tucson and the greater area. Our worship and prayer in English and Spanish. We even had Chinese children (families of U of A students) sing for us. We had military representation, court employees, government workers, teachers, students and and more. The sound of Jesus went up for our nation. This is a busy area of Tucson, especially during the working day. We had many people stop by to join us. Some were aware of National Day of Prayer events. Others just heard the worship and decided to join.
The day was busy, but then the evening continued with a united city wide prayer time and worship time. It’s hard to describe how awesome it is to see the people of God come together in these public settings. We are changed. And our city, state and nation are changed as well.
God bless!
Room 24 at Rio De Vida, Nogales Sonora - April 5 & 6 2019
We were at Rio de Vida in Nogales, Sonora in April. This church has two congregations; one on the US side of the border and the other in Mexico. The date fell on the very weekend that President Trump was threatening to close the border. Amazing that while all these things are happening in the natural, God has a plan for the Kingdom that is really unaffected by it all. We crossed with no problem. On the way back, we were the second of two cars in the express lane. Driving through was so uncomplicated that it was startling.
The church is downtown Nogales, Sonora. We have a couple of choice memories of the weekend:
The graciousness of Pastor Benjamin & Dora towards us and their congregation in general. P Benjamin has been learning English at quite an accelerated pace. He is an inspiration to us English speakers with a heart to learn Spanish.
The pastors themselves and several that joined us during the 24 hours easily took part in our schedule. We generally have topics we are planning to cover in prayer. These pastors just jumped on board. The were full of the Spirit and ready & willing to participate. Their contribution and unity is special to the Lord. Multiple churches were represented. I’m remembering P Alfredo at the doorway during the night. He was approached by a passer-by who was drawn in, saved that night and the recipient of a lot of prayer.
The Power of God we encountered that night with many healings and testimony of changed lives.
We are humbled to be part of what God is doing in the lives of his people and in the work of his pastors who have served so faithfully.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Room 24 at Abyad Home - March 22-23 2019

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