Sunday, November 24, 2019
Room 24 at Iglesia La Gracia De Dios November 2019
November 15-16,02019
Sitting now, considering all the blessings you have given us. Spent 24 hours with La Gracia de Dios. It passed by so quickly, so comfortably, like spending time in Your living room, Lord. Such a sweet Presence. And as was noted on Saturday afternoon, not just your Presence but you Glory. Thank you Lord.
We like to begin Friday with repentance and communion and have taken on Tabernacle Prayer as a way to walk through a preparation for prayer. Each time, we marvel at what God is showing us. We had many different faces taking parts on Friday night and managed to present mostly in Spanish with some English translation. We loved it. We are so grateful for our supporters and our translators. For the pastors who welcome us into their churches.
Talking about the Brazen Altar, we saw salvations - Praise God. Carmen & Yara did a great job taking us through the commandments and the water on our hands at the Laver was very special. We spoke of the candlesticks, the table of show-bread and the altar of incense. Some of the words we received:
*In reference to Psalm 23:4, “The heavens opened with fire and took the darkness away”.
*Milk flowing - Exodus 3:17
*We are here to do, time is a gift! - James 4:13-17
Praise & thanksgiving rose up and we spent time in the Holy Spirit.
P Ken guided us through the Tabernacle with its mercy seat and so much meaning for us today.
I love these intercessors. I especially love the night. It quiets down a bit for some, but His fire lights the way, every time. We went after areas of breakthrough, the box of prayer requests, worshiping all along the way.
And the morning, the resurrection time. “Oh death, were is thy sting”, I Corinthians 15:55-57.
Our day included healing room and more breakthrough for individuals. We are as blessed being on the teams as receiving. The voice of the Lord is so powerful in pictures. Speaking of pictures, Adina’s painting for the Presence & Glory in the shape of the Tabernacle was awesome to witness as she painted. We had individual testimony from so many; Joe with his new heart, and all the healing received in healing room prayer.
We prayed for the city, the nation, the borders. We prayed for Israel. We prayed for the ministries and pastors of La Gracia de Dios. Thank you church for your warm hospitality, many meals and incredible fellowship
We leave this time humbled, warmed by His Presence, fully open to all He has for each of us.
Thank You Lord!
Room 24 at Bethel Church October 2019
September 30 to October 6, 2019
This past October, instead of our usual 24 hour prayer, we traveled to Bethel, Redding, CA. We took a group with us and drove ourselves first to LA and then on Highway 1 as far as we could go before turning toward Redding. The route was extraordinarily beautiful and captured the magnificence of our God! Some of us came by plane. We all gathered at the same hotel which became our new home together.
We spent a week at Bethel Redding, first attending the Open Heaven’s Conference and then staying for the Saturday Healing Room and Sunday services. We did manage a little site seeing which took us to McArthur-Burney Falls for more extraordinary views.
The conference was great. So many people and from 41 nations attended. It was at the Civic Center in Redding. Even standing on line to get in was an adventure. God ordained conversations were everywhere. We were all so touched by all of it; the worship, the speakers, the people. The culture at Bethel is unique in its peaceful atmosphere which stretches out way beyond the church campus to the area itself. Somehow, amongst all the movement of people and managing of their needs, nothing ever seemed out of order. The atmosphere was that of a small church, totally relaxed and welcoming.
Our time together was rich. There was lots of fellowship time for our group. We even managed to have a Saturday evening service, like we do at home, in the hotel coffee room. We shared experiences and testimonies along with coffee.
We each came away with a lifetime of memories and powerful spiritual encounters. We are so grateful for this trip.
Room 24 at Cantico Nuevo, Nogales Mexico September 2019
September 13-14, 2019
It was great to be back in Nogales, Sonora for 24 hour prayer with Pastor Alfredo & Eunice and the church members. They are in their new location now. So much space to enjoy, but still that feeling of home. Pastor Alfredo had a number of young leaders with him who led in different areas of Tabernacle Prayer. It was wonderful to enjoy so many new hearts coming together.
The church is home to us. Since we tried to keep as much of the prayer as possible in Spanish, we had friends sitting with us translating the whole time. We were a few aisles of kumbaya, enjoying the Lord together! :). We love these pastors and their heart for prayer. Somewhere in the middle of the night, Pastor Alfredo acknowledged - here we are - in the Presence of God - this is the time to fellowship with Him, His Presence is so great. And it was! One of my favorite things about Room 24 and these prayer times everywhere, is that we can recognize when His Presence falls. It is so thick at times. And Pastor is right, so noticeable in the middle of the night.
Healing room was great. We spent hours at it. After a night of prayer, the words for individuals comes so easy!
Pastor Ochoa shared a word with us in the afternoon and joined us for lunch. The time we spend in Mexico is often highlighted by these pastors who join us in prayer. We so appreciate their fellowship.
Of course, you know we had wonderful meals together. When we began Room 24 we used to snack on coffee and fruit and vegetable trays. We learned to eat at our occasions in Mexico. We so love this fellowship, the food yes; but also the chatting and praying and the children and families we visit.
Thank you church for your warm hospitality, always!
Room 24 at Mount Lemon August 2019
August 23-24, 2019
Wow! End of summer and our desire was to host prayer in a vacation setting. What a blessing! We were up in the mountains in August when its hot and hotter in Tucson, but cool with breezes at Mount Lemon. We rented a cabin there. The ride up was beautiful. Our first challenge was pulling into the driveway which was an uphill climb with a bit of a curve! Oh my. Just beginning to realize that hanging off mountain tops is not my favorite thing. But once landed, wow, what a beautiful location and more special as a gathering for prayer. The cabin was spacious with a full porch that circled 3/4’s of the house. The rooms inviting. There was a main living room for prayer, a large dining room table and a kitchen that was equipped for every meal. We had everything we needed, and some fresh mountain air.
As we began our prayer the Presence of God was immediate and sustained. We all thought we were individually having a unique encounter with God, but later in sharing, we realized His Presence was everywhere and with each of us. One step unto the porch and we saw that we were literally praying in the clouds. It was so refreshing to pull back and refill our spirits. Our time together was precious. Thank you Lord for giving us so much!
Room 24 at Restoration Community Ministries July 2019
July 26-27, 2019
We are just returning from an awesome weekend with Restoration Community Ministries in Phoenix AZ. Pastors Reggie & Annie invited us again for 24 hour prayer at the Chapel of the American Indian Bible College. God is at work. We have been joining in prayer with this congregation since 2011. The last few years have been regular visits in January and July. To say the least we are now old friends and also family. We look forward to these. God has grown in us all and we are so grateful to have built this altar together.
This weekend we had new friends and old friends. We cover quite a bit of territory when we consider where each of us live and minister. We represented ministries and churches throughout Arizona and into Mexico. We are blessed with the opportunity to network in God’s Kingdom. It is so wonderful to hear of all God is doing in each of us.
We started the prayer with a time of fellowship and food. Got updated with each of us and went to work building an altar through Tabernacle Prayer. God always does something new. Friday night, we had opportunity to pray over the territory that we all cover. We did foot washing and prayer over the places our feet will carry us in the next season. We tipped into the night hours easily. The hours passed so quickly. We prayed through the obstacles that we typically struggle with and went into a time of declaration of God’s promises. In the early morning we spent time with the priestly blessing.
Morning is always a special time, to watch the sun come up together and prepare for a new day. P Ken led us in prayers for revival. We had breakfast together, ministered the Father’s Love and held Healing Room for a couple of hours.
Worship was wonderful with the RCM team, both Friday night and Saturday. They were energetic and up lifting. At our lunch we had additional time to fellowship together. Many of us stayed for the 24 hours. But we also had visitors throughout the night and day. Areas of prayer in the afternoon included family, marriages, missions and nations. We prayed for RCM and Room 24. We ended in a joyful celebration of Unity!
God we are so grateful for the opportunity you have given us in Room 24. It is a privilege to dedicate this time to You. You always come. Your Presence is rich and our hearts long for the next time!
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Room 24 at the Heartland House of Prayer, Council Bluffs, Iowa - June 14 & 15 2019
We traveled to Council Bluffs, Iowa in June to join with Pastor Aman and Amel of the Arabic congregation. Right now they are serving as itinerary pastors and prayer warriors as they settle in again in Council Bluffs, Iowa. They are in contact with American and Sudanese churches. We first met these pastors when they were leading an Arabic church in Tucson. Pastor Aman has made several trips with us on our Room 24 journeys. He asked us to join him in Iowa. We specifically prayed about this at the “Room 24” at our house in March. We received a resounding “yes” from the Lord.
In remembering this weekend the Glory of God in the scenery is most memorable. A group of 7 of us traveled by car from Arizona to Iowa. Another came by plane. The car trip took us through miles of open space and rolling hills of farmland. I believe God healed us in those hours of road time. His gentle Presence in creation was all about us. We drove through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa. It is a border city. We had some tourist time walking the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge that literally straddles the two states. It was very fun to experience this area, new to many of us.
The prayer was held at Heartland House of Prayer in Council Bluffs. We spoke to the couple that hosts this prayer. They have led prayer teams for 20+ years in this area. Their current location is a building, open for worship and prayer 24/7. Throughout the week, different prayer events are held. Pastors Aman and Amel routinely gather with Sudanese intercessors in this location. There ministry also reaches out to other groups in the area.
We enjoyed the time tremendously. It was a time to visit with each other again, but also blessed and anointed by the prayer. We worshiped and prayed together. We believe God’s prayers accomplished here will bear much fruit in the months ahead. We left on a note of joy, expecting that we will return and expand our journey together.
Room 24 at Adina's house May 17 & 18 2019
We had a few scheduled prayer sessions early in 2019. They came up quickly, every couple of weeks. RCM, Cantico Nuevo, our house, Rio de Vida. In May our focus was on the National Day of Prayer but we suddenly missed our family type get togethers. And so, we added a Room 24 session at Adina’s home in May 2019.
It’s funny but our prayer sessions at each location sometimes include people we only see at a particular location. This is true at Adina’s home. It’s like a small congregation we get to visit on a regular basis in prayer. Our team always joins and God always surprises us with new visitors. We had several at this meeting. As I’m writing this I’m so thankful to God for the design of Room 24. It has become a network of congregations and home meetings. We have become like family who see each other on special occasions. There is nothing quite like coming together for the purpose of prayer. It has knit us together in so many ways.
Memorable at this event was something Adina added. She asked that if we came in with any burden on our heart, God wanted to carry it and give us freedom. And so, whatever the burden, we were directed to write it out, put it in a box and we would pray for it later. When we prayed for these requests in those hours before the sun comes up, we read a chapter of proverbs and then pulled out a prayer request. It was startling to receive God’s heart and wisdom on each of these requests. We went a step further and asked God for a specific “action” we could take to get this prayer answered. God just added a new layer to the way we pray.
Our 24 hours included the Tabernacle Prayer of course, but also went in new directions through the day. We closed better than we started in our journey in Kingdom territory.
Thank you Adina for your faithfulness.
Room 24 at the National Day of Prayer, Main Library Downtown, May 2nd, 2019
The tent went up, the chairs arrived, a sound system connected and the location in front of the downtown library approved for us. A whole day to press in to the Lord for our nation. Intercessors and worshipers arrived, ready to go. Let’s bring the Presence of God to the street! Oh Jesus, thank you for these times.
Our schedule was designed to bring us into unity with the prayer focus for the nation. The National Day of Prayer representatives joined us as well as churches in Tucson and the greater area. Our worship and prayer in English and Spanish. We even had Chinese children (families of U of A students) sing for us. We had military representation, court employees, government workers, teachers, students and and more. The sound of Jesus went up for our nation. This is a busy area of Tucson, especially during the working day. We had many people stop by to join us. Some were aware of National Day of Prayer events. Others just heard the worship and decided to join.
The day was busy, but then the evening continued with a united city wide prayer time and worship time. It’s hard to describe how awesome it is to see the people of God come together in these public settings. We are changed. And our city, state and nation are changed as well.
God bless!
Room 24 at Rio De Vida, Nogales Sonora - April 5 & 6 2019
We were at Rio de Vida in Nogales, Sonora in April. This church has two congregations; one on the US side of the border and the other in Mexico. The date fell on the very weekend that President Trump was threatening to close the border. Amazing that while all these things are happening in the natural, God has a plan for the Kingdom that is really unaffected by it all. We crossed with no problem. On the way back, we were the second of two cars in the express lane. Driving through was so uncomplicated that it was startling.
The church is downtown Nogales, Sonora. We have a couple of choice memories of the weekend:
The graciousness of Pastor Benjamin & Dora towards us and their congregation in general. P Benjamin has been learning English at quite an accelerated pace. He is an inspiration to us English speakers with a heart to learn Spanish.
The pastors themselves and several that joined us during the 24 hours easily took part in our schedule. We generally have topics we are planning to cover in prayer. These pastors just jumped on board. The were full of the Spirit and ready & willing to participate. Their contribution and unity is special to the Lord. Multiple churches were represented. I’m remembering P Alfredo at the doorway during the night. He was approached by a passer-by who was drawn in, saved that night and the recipient of a lot of prayer.
The Power of God we encountered that night with many healings and testimony of changed lives.
We are humbled to be part of what God is doing in the lives of his people and in the work of his pastors who have served so faithfully.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Room 24 at Abyad Home - March 22-23 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Room 24 at Tent Arizona at U of A Feb 2019 Collegiate Day
We are looking back at 2019 so far and posting some pictures of a combined effort; Room 24 and a number of ministries in Tucson and throughout AZ under the umbrella of “Tent Arizona”. This community wide event was a celebration of the Collegiate Day of Prayer on the U of A campus in Tucson, AZ. We were at the U of A to celebrate Tabernacles in the fall of 2018 as part of Tent America. The event was powerful. And our hearts were joined to “Do It Again”. The February event had a bit more of a weather challenge. I believe these were some of the coldest days on record for Tucson. Friday was mostly cold rain. Saturday was sunny but still cold. The area right under our tent was a medium size puddle most of the day. You will note in the pictures that we all found a sunny spot to hang out and believe it or not, managed to get sunburn even while being more wrapped up than any typical Tucsonian!
The weather did not stop the worshippers and intercessors from coming out. Our musicians and dancers came, set up and performed for the Lord. The Presence of God was with us the whole time. Glory to God. Just remembering these days gives us a fresh heart to “Do It Again” again.
Since that time, the Lord’s burden for the students and the campus has been with all of us. Elias in particular, has not stopped in his prayer rounds on campus. We have logged many hours lifting up the campus. We are also very aware of other intercessors that have been called to cover the U of A in prayer, some for years, some new to this front line.
We admit that we have our days and have been challenged in our faith or continue at times. At other times, it is clear that the Lord is at work. I have been asking the Lord, why - what are you doing? Today, we were freshly reminded to call on His Presence before we start to pray. It is so important to be in the Presence of God before running through our list of prayers. And so we did - we lifted up his Name and assured ourselves of His Presence. I heard His quiet voice - “I cannot answer your prayers right now. Other things have to come into order first.” Lord, what do you want us to do? “Lift up your eyes to Me”. ‘Focus on Me”. “As you worship, there is work being done that is unseen. Your faith will increase when your eyes are on Me and you will receive new strength”. Clearly, the foundations are being laid.
And so, we carry on! May we invite you to connect with us? If you are involved in active prayer for our campus, please connect with us, so we can all be encouraged by the network God has designed. If it is on your heart, start lifting up the U of A students, campus, professors, employees and businesses. Elias saw the construction, the new parking lots, the painting and activities going on in preparation of a new semester. It was as if the refurbishing was in the natural what is going on in the Spirit.
And finally we heard, “I am coming soon”
Monday, February 18, 2019
Room 24 at Cantico Nuevo February 15-16, 2019
What a precious time of rejoicing and celebrating at Cantico Nuevo. I love this church! (We say this every time but our partners in Room 24 are the best!) Good company, precious people, Jesus everywhere. It's hard to sum it up and just want to go line by line about how wonderful our Savior is! And, how wonderful it is to be with His people. I want to sing that song, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together, dwell together, together in unity, la la la, la la la la la la la! " Can you hear it?
Where do I start - The tabernacle prayer, the Holy Spirit anointing, the communion, the Pastors who came, all the people who came, the night, the day, the in between, the meals, the fellowship! So wonderful. We got our socks blessed off! We are always saying, when we are weak, He is strong! Yup, He shows up so powerfully as our bodies grow tired our spirit wakes up, like waves of refreshing.
Thank you Pastor Alfredo and your church for your hospitality. And to the worship team for your continual pouring out and with great joy! And thank you to all the pastors and intercessors who joined up. You are a special group, chosen for this time. We worshiped and prayed through the night, never skipping a beat, barely closing our eyes.
Adina, thank you for taking us from 2018 to 2019! We all left baggage behind and reached for the new. Thank you for all those who prepared meals and worked behind the scenes. Thank you to all the children who joined us. Even baby Samuel went to his first 24 hour prayer! I am smiling just thinking of all of you as I write.
We had healing in abundance and testimonies, prophetic words and visions. Healing room rocked all of us.
We are full Lord and revived and so ready for Your next assignment.
Elias and Ann
For Room 24
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Room 24 at Restoration Community Ministries 012519 - 012619
We had so much fun at Restoration Community Ministries with Pastor Reggie & Annie and our Room 24 folks. We even have some who come regularly to our Room 24 events in Phoenix. Wonderful to see everyone. We have been having 24 hour prayer with this congregation a long time, since early on in our ministry. We have all grown, been stretched, pushed, rejoiced over, loved by the Father is so many ways. It’s great to be with family. These are supposed to be short clips about our events. I feel like the apostle John, when he wrote - “If I were to write all that the Lord did ..., I could fill several books!”
Tabernacle prayer, a visit to the Courts of Heaven, crossing over in a review of 2018 to 2019, soaking, resurrection power, Holy Spirit, Healing Room, testimonies, outreach, financial blessings, missions, small groups on standing, PTSD conquered, Joy, overwhelming JOY. The worship team was such a blessing. We pulled out the river again :). And, we were honored to have a group of young people form the American Indian College join us, to speak and pray and offer a human video. Meals and more meals - thank you Nancy! Coffee! A have a vision of Pastor Ken walking and praying at 4:00am, all the time with a cup of coffee in his hand. Many are part of 21 day fasting and we are proud of you. But, we agree that we are fasting sleep during our 24 hours and feel in a special way that God honors this sacrifice.
We think we are going to be tired by Saturday afternoon, but instead we find we are so blessed and loved that we want to stay in His arms. We came home to sweet sleep and dreams of all God is doing. Thank you all, each and every one, who contributed your time and effort. Thank you!
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Room 24 at Iglesia De Gracia De Dios November 16-17, 2018
Our last 24 hour prayer was at Iglesia La Gracia de Dios. We just want to take a moment and brag about this church. They have been in continual prayer for several months now. Every night at 6pm. The pastors and family also have a gift for worship which brings everyone so quickly into His Presence. Our prayer time began with their worship and they lifted up worship many times during the night and the following day.
Elias started us off with Tabernacle Prayer which has established a pattern for Friday nights. Worship, repentance, communion, healing prayer, Holy Spirit and words from the Father. It is so special each time. Prayers during the night of course focused on spiritual warfare.
The morning brought a new experience for us as Room 24 and partners. During what is the Healing Room time, we choose to go out onto the street and minister in the neighborhood and on the border. Offering a water, a prayer, a friendly word and news about the church. Several people found salvation during this time. Again we were so blessed by the pastors who are obviously experienced in this area. Just making them and church members available to potential neighbors is a wonderful thing. More and more we are feeling that our prayers during the night bring breakthrough in so many areas and this gave us a chance to pass on the blessing in the community.
After lunch and a great time of fellowship we continued and focused specifically on ministering the Fathers love to all who were with us. Others from our group shared in different areas. Our prayers across many areas continued through the afternoon.
We never grow weary of these times because God is so faithful to show us new things every time we gather. And His Presence so overwhelms us. As our bodies grow weary, we lean on Him more and just receive all He has.
Please join us as we forge ahead into 2019. We will have our next 24 hours at Restoration Community Ministries in Phoenix. This January prayer has been at RCM for several years now and we so look forward to it. Join us on Jan 25th & 26th.
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